- Consider installing a low flow shower head. Their clever design gives you the feel of a normal shower but can significantly reduce the amount of water used.
- Use eco-friendly products and then you can reuse your bath water on your house plants or garden.
- Stand a full 2 litre plastic soft drink bottle in your cistern to save water every time you flush. This can achieve savings of up to 5,000 litres per year.
- Consider installing a toilet weight flush limiter if your toilet is pre-2005. This simple gadget gives you control of how much water is used each flush. Contact us and we will send you one in the post*.
- Slow the flow! Consider installing aerators or flow restrictors on your sink taps - you'll save water without even noticing.
- Install a rainwater tank to collect water for use in your pool, garden or home. If rain is forecast, wait for the pool to refill naturally.
- When retrofitting or building a swimming pool think about investing in a good fitting pool cover. The average in-ground pool in New Zealand loses 160 litres a day due to evaporation. That’s the same as leaving the shower on with nobody in it for 13 minutes.
*Hamilton City, Waipā District & Waitomo District residents only.