Celebrate United Nations World Water Day on 22nd March with Smart Water. School registrations are now closed.
If your shower can fill a ten-litre bucket in less than 60 seconds it is using more water than you need for a great shower. Think about installing a low flow shower head or a flow restrictor*. Contact us to see if you are eligible for a free water efficient shower head**.
To choose your low flow shower head look for one with 9 litres per minute flow or less, or with 3 blue water stars or above. Shop around - there are some excellent shower heads available that provide the same level of experience as a normal one but use significantly less water. In some plumbing stores you can test low flow showerheads. Some companies will even let you trial their products e.g. https://www.methven.com/nz/methven-trial-handset
Install low flow taps (4 water star rating or above) or add a tap aerator to reduce your water flow while still getting good pressure. Aerators are great for hand basins and sinks that you don’t often fill with water.
For other water saving tips check out our smart water bathroom tips.
*Flow restrictors and low flow shower heads are not recommended for homes with low pressure hot water cylinders.
**Free replacement low flow shower head available to Hamilton City, Waipā District & Waitomo District residents only. Conditions apply.
***Residents of Hamilton City, Waipā District & Waitomo District residents can request a free gizmo.
Install low flow taps or add a tap aerator to limit your water flow, you’ll save water without even noticing. Ditch the waste disposal unit and use a worm farm or compost instead.
When shopping for a new dishwasher, use the water efficiency labelling scheme (WELS) to help you choose. Always remember that the more blue stars on the WELS label, the more water efficient the dishwasher is.
For other water saving tips check out our smart water kitchen tips.
Choose a tub that has a water efficient tap or consider installing flow restricting aerators on your existing sink taps.
If shopping for a new washing machine, look out for the blue water efficiency label (WELS) to help you choose. Just remember, the more stars on the WELS label, the more water efficient the washing machine is.
For other water saving tips check out our smart water laundry tips.
Collecting rainwater from your roof and storing in a water tank/rain barrel is a great source of water for your garden without having to use drinking water from your house. Even a 220-litre barrel for watering the garden can significantly reduce the amount of treated water you use. For more information check out our rainwater harvesting tips.
Be selective on what, when and where you plant in your garden. For more information check out our smart water garden tips.
When planning or revamping your outdoor landscape, consider using materials that allow rain to soak into your soil and garden. Crushed shells, pebbles, gravels, permeable pavers and mulch are good materials to use and can help reduce flooding and pooling during heavy rainfall.
When paving, use porous material or ground cover in the gaps instead of mortar. This helps counter the warming effect of pavers and provides another way for rain to soak into the soil.
When retrofitting or building a swimming pool think about investing in a water efficient pool filter and a good fitting pool cover. Around the pool area think about strategic placement of trees and shrubs to give your pool protection from wind & sun, helping to reduce evaporation. For other water saving tips check out our smart water pool tips.