Celebrate United Nations World Water Day on 22nd March with Smart Water.  School registrations are now closed. 


Sprinkler restrictions now in place

Published: 12/12/2016

The move to Water Alert Level 1 was triggered by a significant increase in water consumption across the region.

Over the last two weeks Hamilton’s water consumption has increased by 20 per cent, Waikato saw an increase of 6 million litres of water and Waipa’s water use increased from 173 to 190 million litres.

Smart Water Co-ordinator Sally Fraser said the sun had come out all of a sudden causing a noticeable jump in water use. “In Summer outdoor water use increases from 7 per cent to 20 per cent. The warm weather means pools are being filled and sprinklers are turned on.”

Sally also added that how much water we have relies on it raining in the right place, “we can’t control the rain but what we can control is how much water we all use.  Making small changes to your water use will make a difference.  Having a shorter shower, mulching your vege patch and garden beds  and making the most of water that would normally go down the drain to feed your plants, it all adds up.”

Sally said a lot of people comment on how full the river is and that they can see a lot of water, “the river may look very full but if there’s no rain it doesn’t stay full for long. We also can’t take all of the water from the river - we’re consented to how much water we’re allowed to take.”

Smart Water has an e-newsletter to let you know when your alert level changes, it also has a week-by-week water use graph and other water saving tips. Sign up to receive it at smartwater.org.nz/subscribe

The Smart Water Starts with You! sub-regional summer campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a joint venture between Hamilton City Council, Waikato District Council and Waipa District Council.

For more information, contact:
Sam Whittle | Hamilton City Council |  07 838 6507
Teresa Hancock |Waikato District Council |  07 824 8633 xtn 5649
Nicole Nooyen | Waipa District Council | 027 807 3478

About the Water Alert level system:

Water Alert Level 1
Use sprinkler systems between 6am – 8am and 6pm – 8pm
Hand-held hosing can be used anytime
Water Alert Level 2
Use sprinkler systems on alternate days between
6am – 8am and 6pm – 8pm
Hand-held hosing can be used anytime
Water Alert Level 3
No use of sprinklers.
Hand-held hosing only
Water Alert Level 4
No use of outside water systems

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