Celebrate United Nations World Water Day on 22nd March with Smart Water.  School registrations are now closed. 


Water restrictions lifted for most of sub-region

Published: 30/03/2016

Te Awamutu and Pirongia are the only towns that will continue to have water restrictions and will remain at Water Alert Level 3. The reason for this is the Maungauika Stream on Mount Pirongia which supplies the towns’ water is still at a low level and is not being able to keep up with the amount of water being required.

The lifting of the water alerts has been possible due to the recent rain, cooler temperatures and because of people following the water restrictions.

Smartwater Coordinator, Sally Fraser, thanked residents for their water-saving behaviours  over this hot dry summer.

“A big thanks must go to residents for sticking to restrictions over this very hot summer. We have been pleased with how responsive the community has been in observing water restrictions and being smart with their water.

“Even though there are no water restrictions in place we still want people to use water sustainably and responsibly.

“Again it’s the simple things that make a difference. Showers usually get a bit longer in winter, so a slightly shorter shower will save your energy bill and water.”

The water teams from around the sub-region will continue to meet to assess water levels and weather forecasts over the next few weeks to ensure there is no need to reinstate water alert levels. At this stage it is unknown how long Te Awamutu will need to remain at Water Alert 3.

Since January 2015, Water Alert 2 (sprinklers alternate days) had been in place in Hamilton and Waikato District, while all of Waipa had been on Water Alert 3 (no sprinklers).

The Smart Water Starts with You! sub-regional summer campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a joint venture between Waikato District Council, Hamilton City Council, and Waipa District Council.

For more information on the campaign and for tips on saving water visit www.smartwater.org.nz

For more information please contact:

Natalie Palmer
Communications Manager | Waipa District Council
Ph: 07 872 0096 | Email: natalie.palmer@waipadc.govt.nz

Kate Doran
Communications Advisor | Hamilton City Council
Ph: 07 838 6666 | Email: kate.doran@hcc.govt.nz
Mob: 021791264

Nicole Nooyen
Communications Advisor | Waikato District Council
Ph: 07 824 8633 extn 5649 | Email: nicole.nooyen@waidc.govt.nz


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