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Water restrictions lifted for parts of Waipā

Published: 20/03/2015

The reason these towns need to remain on Water Alert Level 3 is that the Mangauika Stream on Mount Pirongia is still at a low level and is not keeping up with the amount of water being required.

The lifting of the water alerts for some parts of Waipa has been possible due to the recent rain, cooler temperatures and because of people following the water restrictions.

Just like the rest of the district, water use in Te Awamutu and Pirongia has also reduced however for Waipa District Council Water Services Manager Lorraine Kendrick, the issue here is all about the lack of supply.

“Te Awamutu residents have also been doing a great job in responding to the Smart Water messages and water use has remained steady. The issue here is simply supply. The Mangauika Stream is simply not providing the amount of water that is required” said Ms Kendrick.

“Ideally right now we would be lifting water restrictions for everyone but with minimal rain forecasted in the near future, we just don’t have the level of water available to be able to confidently make this decision.”

The low flows of the Mangauika Stream is also effecting the taste and odour of some water supplied in Te Awamutu.

“The change in taste and smell is resulting from an increase in algae in the stream. Our water is still perfectly safe and meets all drinking water standards but we realise it’s not ideal so we are monitoring the algae number and hope to have the supply back to normal soon” said Ms Kendrick.

Waipa staff will continue to assess water levels and weather forecasts over the next few weeks with the hope to lift the restrictions for Te Awamutu and Pirongia as soon as possible.

Hamilton City Council and Waikato District Council have lifted all of their water restrictions as of today.

The Smart Water Starts with You! sub-regional summer campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a joint venture between Waikato District Council, Hamilton City Council, and Waipa District Council.
For more information on the campaign and for tips on saving water visit

For more information contact:

Natalie Palmer
Communications Manager | Waipa District Council Ph: 07 872 0096 | Email:

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